Recipe: Dilled Tilapia and Zucchini CousCous

I tweeted about a successful culinary adventure yesterday and was promptly asked for the recipes. Here they are! (The fish is my dad’s own recipe, and the zucchini is mine, so this is the first time they’ve been written down.)

Dilled Tilapia

4 frozen tilapia fillets
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons dried dill weed
4 tablespoons olive oil

Lay the fillets on a microwave-safe plate. Zap the four fillets in the microwave for just 40 seconds or less – enough to make them slightly moist, but still frozen. Sprinkle one side with half the spices. Heat the olive oil in a non stick frying pan over high heat. Add the fillets, spiced side down. Sprinkle the remaining spices on the other side of the fillets. Reduce heat to medium-high. Cook for three minutes. Turn fillets over. (Add some olive oil if necessary.) Cook for six minutes. Turn over once more and cook for an additional two to three minutes. Remove from heat and serve.

Couscous with zucchini

A pinch of saffron
2 tablespoons hot water
3 medium zucchini, cubed (about 1/2 square chunks)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoons onion powder
salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
3/4 cup couscous (for a really nice look, use the multicolored couscous)
1 cup boiling water

Soak the saffron threads in the hot water. Heat olive oil in a shallow saucepan (that has a tight fitting lid) on high until zucchini sizzles when dropped into it. Reduce heat to medium and toss in all the zucchini. Cook until just slightly translucent, but still a bit firm. Add spices and toss well. Add the saffron-infused water and the boiling water. Cover with lid and let sit for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

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